Benefits of winners

Social Recognition

  1. Media coverage
    In addition to being recognized as a leader in strategy and receiving increased publicity and recruiting exposure, the winners will be written up in a case study series for the Hitotsubashi Business Review (published by Toyo Keizai Inc.) and in other publications. To date, the winners have been featured in newspaper and magazine articles, and also in television programs. (Specifically, articles in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun and the weekly business magazine Nikkei Business, as well as coverage by SKY PerfecTV's "Business Breakthrough" channel.)
  2. Recognition in the global market
    The Porter Prize has established a global network, and it is now recognized worldwide. As a winner, you would achieve a high level of recognition, raise the company's profile on a global basis, and enhance its reputation. Such positive recognition would contribute to the company's overall business performance.

The Porter Prize Club

Porter Prize Club was established in 2010 to strengthen ties among the winners of the Porter Prize. Winners are invited to attend a closed annual meeting, during which they have an opportunity to facilitate communication with other members and deepen ties.

Preparation of Case Studies

Case studies on the winning company or business unit will be written and made available for use at business schools worldwide.

24th Porter Prize Application period

From 7 May 2024 (Tue)
  to 3 June 2024 (Mon)
Please send the application form to the applicant during the period mentioned above.
See How to Apply